High quality frozen broccoli wholesale from the manufacturer of frozen foods (vegetables, fruits, berries)
Quick-frozen broccoli
Broccoli is one of the best side dishes.
Cabbage has a significant amount of vitamin C: 100 grams of cabbage include a daily norm of this vitamin. Broccoli is rich in other vitamins and micronutrient elements as well.
Broccoli is a good source of vitamins of group B, and therefore affects positively the nervous system, energy metabolism, tissue regeneration, and protein synthesis. Good vision and healthy skin are real great results from the consumption of broccoli.
Broccoli is also rich in amino acid composition. Having a slight caloric content, this kind of a cabbage quenches hunger perfectly, feeding the body at the same time. That is why, broccoli is used to do away with overweight. It is also useful in mental and physical workloads.
A significant amount of folic acid makes cabbage a particularly important food for children and pregnant women.
It has been scientifically proven that broccoli is a good prophylaxis of oncological diseases; it is necessarily included in the diet at weakened states of the body.
Broccoli is especially to be used in winter, when we consume a small amount of green vegetables. The chlorophyll that broccoli contains has a positive effect on hematopoiesis.
Broccoli also contains fiber that is necessary for our micro flora and purification of the organism, reducing the level of "harmful" cholesterol. The regular use of broccoli reduces the symptoms of allergy and detoxicates the body.
Frozen broccoli is used for making salads, vegetable side dishes, and ragout. Broccoli also adds an excellent taste to the soup. A particularly popular dish is a mashed broccoli soup.
Quick-frozen broccoli has excellent taste properties. The maximum amount of vitamins is stored due to the technology of "shock" freezing. We take care of every stage of the technological process, from the selection of raw materials to the supply. As a result, we offer a product of high quality that will surely appeal to the consumer.