Frozen currant

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Frozen currant for wholesale buyers with delivery


For more information about frozen berries and ordering please contact our managers :
​​​​​​​+38 050 437 2010

High quality frozen currant wholesale from the producer of the frozen products (vegetables, fruits, berries)

Quick-frozen currants

Currants are extremely useful berries. 30 berries of currants provide a daily need in vitamin C for an adult. Ascorbic acid is involved in the regulation of oxidative-reducing processes in human body as well as in tissue regeneration.
Currants are useful for cardiovascular and immune systems. Memory and mental faculties are improved thanks to the consumption of currants.
According to the study conducted by scientists from different countries and at different times, the regular use of black currants reduces the risk of oncological diseases. The antiviral and bactericidal impact of currants allows them to be used as prophylactic means to support human body during the cold season of the year.

Frozen currants are used to cook:
mashed dishes (currants combined with cereals) – this way currants are a source of vitamins and add aroma to the dishes.
Tea, made from ground currants, has a wonderful taste.
Currants are highly used in cooking sweets and extracts.

Frozen currants have excellent taste properties. We store the maximum amount of vitamins due to the technology of "shock" freezing. In order to use frozen currants in cooking dishes, it is necessary to defrost them in advance. For cocktails, desserts and cereals, you can use frozen currants without pre-defrosting, thus cooling the dish.
Adding frozen currants to water instead of ice cubes, you easily make a delicious and healthy drink.

Due to the cooling of fruits by the method of quick freezing, their consumption throughout the year is possible.
We ensure the quality of our products, so that the consumer receives maximum benefit from them.
We guarantee the quality and excellent taste of our foods
Our partners :
  • Retail stores
  • Catering establishments
  • Food manufacturers
We deliver wholesale batches of foods in Ukraine
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Ternopil region,
Ternopil area,
village Ostriv,
Promyslova 9 st.
+38 050 437 2010